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# Atsiuntė: 2 Rugpjūčio 2012 22:16 - Redagavo: Sedintis_Stumbras
Practice of Karma Yoga by Swami Sivananda wami-sivananda
Do not lose hope, but be thou faithful unto (Divine Mother) death, and She will give you a crown of life (Revelation 2:10) |
# Atsiuntė: 9 Rugpjūčio 2012 23:49 - Redagavo: Sedintis_Stumbras
The practice of Karma Yoga prepares the aspirant for the reception of knowledge of the Self. It makes him a proper Adhikari (aspirant) for the study of Vedanta. Ignorant people jump at once to Jnana Yoga, without first having a preliminary training in Karma Yoga. That is the reason why they fail miserably to realise the Truth. The impurities lurk in the fourfold mind Antahkarana). The mind is filled with likes and dislikes, jealousy, etc. They only talk of Brahman. They indulge in all sorts of useless controversies, vain debates and dry, endless discussions. Their philosophy is only on their lips. In other words, they are lip-Vedantins. What is really wanted is practical Vedanta through ceaseless, selfless service.
"Work for the sake of the work without any motive" is all very well in words. But when one comes to the practical field, when one endeavours to put it into actual practice, he will have to encounter countless difficulties at every step. A Jnani alone can do absolutely unselfish, motiveless action. A Sannyasin only who has renounced the world can do selfless deeds. A householder's mind is saturated with many desires. He expects fruits for every action. But gradually he too can wean the mind from expectation of rewards. It is all a question of discipline of the mind. By and by his selfish nature will be destroyed. He will understand the glory of Nishkamya Karma Yoga. Then he will be able to do works without any motives, without expectation of fruits of action. Of course, it is a question of time. One must be patient and persevering.
Two things are indispensably requisite in the practice of Karma Yoga. The Karma Yogi should have non-attachment to the fruits of actions. He will have to dedicate his actions at the altar of God with the feeling of Isvararpana. Non-attachment brings freedom from sorrow and fear. Non-attachment makes a man absolutely bold and fearless. When he dedicates his action at the Lotus Feet of the Lord he develops devotion to God and approaches Him nearer and nearer. He gradually feels that God works directly through his Indriyas or instruments. He feels no strain or burden in the discharge of his works now. He is quite at ease. The heavy load which he felt previously on account of false notion has vanished out of sight now.
A Karma Yogi does self-sacrifice to kill his little self. A Bhakta practises self-surrender to destroy his egoism. A Jnani practises self-denial. The methods are different but all want to destroy this little, self-arrogating 'I' which is the root cause of human suffering. When this is done, they meet at the same goal or point.
Sarvam karmaakhilam Partha jnane parisamapyate.
"All actions in their entirety, O Partha, culminate in wisdom." Gita: Chapter IV-33.
"The Karma Yogi, having abandoned the fruit of action, obtains eternal peace or release which comes of wisdom, while, he who, being prompted by desire, is attached to them, becomes bound." Gita: Chapter V-12.
Do not lose hope, but be thou faithful unto (Divine Mother) death, and She will give you a crown of life (Revelation 2:10) |
# Atsiuntė: 10 Rugpjūčio 2012 10:59 - Redagavo: Gizbar
Autorius: Samael Aun Weor Millions of books of Yoga, Occultism, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, etc. exist, as well as thousands of schools, some of them with very ancient and very venerable traditions. Any student can submit himself to the most rigorous disciplines, practicing with the Kriya, visiting thousands of these schools, centers, lodges, acquiring titles, degrees, and even receiving from their instructors very beautiful and distinctive names, but if the student does not practice sexual magic, he will remain very venerable, learned, and even an erudite, but only for his people. Above in the superior worlds, he will remain just like an aficionado to these spiritual studies, he will be nothing but an ignorant disciple, a poor mystical shadow, profane, or even worse, he will be a very dangerous subject. The Aquarian Message (1960)
Vertimas: Egzistuoja milijonai Yogos, Okultizmo, Teosofijos, Rozekrucionizmo knygų, taip pat tūkstančiai mokyklų, kai kurios iš jų turi labai senas ir gerbiamas tradicijas. Bet kuris studentas gali atiduoti save itin griežtom disciplinoms, praktikuoti Kriya, lankyti tūkstančius mokyklų, centrų, ložių, gauti titulus, laipsnius ar net labai gražius ir išskirtinius vardus iš instruktorių, bet jeigu studentas nepraktikuoja seksualinės magijos, jis liks labai gerbiamas, išsilavinęs, netgi kupinas erudicijos, bet tik savo žmonėms. Aukštesniuose pasauliuose, jis pasiliks kaip pasekėjas(entuziastas) šioms dvasinėms studijoms, jis bus tik nežinantis mokinys, vargšas mistinis šešėlis, pasaulietis, ar net blogiau, jis bus labai pavojingas subjektas.
Templi ommun hominun pacis abbas.
May all beings be happy. |
# Atsiuntė: 10 Rugpjūčio 2012 21:18 - Redagavo: Sedintis_Stumbras
Sivananda irgi mokė Kundalini jogos.
Instuktoriai ne kart jau rašė, kad be pagrindų Sravakayanos ir Mahayanos mokymuos, savidisciplinoje ir pasiaukojime iš kart puolant tik ant Tantrayanos mokymų, galima užlipt ant grėblio nuo kurio jau nebenulipsi.
Bet, žinoma, kiekvienas dirba savam lygy.
Do not lose hope, but be thou faithful unto (Divine Mother) death, and She will give you a crown of life (Revelation 2:10) |
# Atsiuntė: 10 Rugpjūčio 2012 21:28 - Redagavo: Sedintis_Stumbras
Do not lose hope, but be thou faithful unto (Divine Mother) death, and She will give you a crown of life (Revelation 2:10) |
# Atsiuntė: 10 Rugpjūčio 2012 21:39 - Redagavo: Sedintis_Stumbras
Only impersonal life and the Being can give us the legitimate happiness of the Great Life free in its motion. -Samael Aun Weor
Do not lose hope, but be thou faithful unto (Divine Mother) death, and She will give you a crown of life (Revelation 2:10) |
# Atsiuntė: 11 Rugpjūčio 2012 10:32 - Redagavo: Gizbar
Mokytojas sujungė rytus su vakarais, jau nebėra tikslo gręžiotis atgal. Skaityti mokytojo tekstus, medituoti(savidisciplina), šalinti ego (pasiaukojimas) devintoje sferoje(tantra). Ar dar kažko reikia? Mokytojas minėjo, jog ezoteriniam darbe reikalinga tikėjimo dovana, nes be jo galima išprotėti. Ir siūlė, jog ją galima gauti iš tradicinių religijų, tol kol studentas suaugs iki darbo 9-oje sferoje.
Templi ommun hominun pacis abbas.
May all beings be happy. |
# Atsiuntė: 14 Rugpjūčio 2012 22:19
Tai papildas, ne pakaitalas.
Do not lose hope, but be thou faithful unto (Divine Mother) death, and She will give you a crown of life (Revelation 2:10) |